Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hue Test

I wasn't satisfied with my first results so I tried again! :)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Illusion of Space and Illusion of Motion

Blurred Outlines

Repeated Figure

Exaggerated Size

Vertical Location

Anticipate motion
Multiple Perspective

Sunday, March 24, 2013


I'm not exactly sure if I did this right or not. I used the same objects for each of my images but placed them differently.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Page 1 with Dry Media

Page 2 with Wet Media ( I had to do these seperately)

Bold Striping
Stepping Lightly

Just Checking

Page 3
Blind Contour

Page 4
Volume using charcoal

Volume using cross hatching

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Proportion and Scale

Proportion and Scale

This is a copy of a collage I made with all "scenic" pictures. My favorite one is the main focus of the collage; the beach picture that I took in Maine. I think it's great with the different layers of sand and then beach and then sunrise. I also really like the one of the eagle and the clouds. The clouds look huge in comparison to the eagle which makes the eagle actually stand out a lot, I think.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Emphasis and Focal Point

Absence of Focal Point

There is no focal point in this image that I found online. It's all the same.

Emphasis by Contrast

This image I found online and the focal point is the butterfly as it completely stands out from the background.

Emphasis by Isolation

This image I found online and the focal point is definitely the red pen/marker as it sits up away from the rest of them. You are completely drawn to that one item.

One Element

This image was found online as well and the tree being colored and the rest being black and white makes it an great example of "One Element"

Emphasis by Placement

This is a great example that I found online of emphasis by placement as you are drawn right to that drooping flower out of the vase. If this drooping flower was right in the front/middle of the vase of flowers it wouldn't be nearly as emphasized and wouldn't be a focus at all.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ideal 2D design

I LOVE this 2D graphic. I think it's elegant and colorful but simple all at the same time. This is definitely something that is right up my alley when designing something without a specific purpose.

I think this example is great! I love kids and this little girl is so cute! It's a painting versus a graphic or design necessarily but I still really like it!

Chaotic Unreadable






Non-objective Unity


Organizing Grid




Repetition with Similarity


Repetition with Variety


Example of grid as an organizing factor and form of continutity

All images above were found through Google. I think the Chaotic unreadable image speaks for itself. You really cannot see what any of it is! The continuation image is shapes upon shapes. It never really ends. You see and follow one shape which leads you into seeing and following another shape and so on. The figurative image shows an organization and leads you into seeing something within the image whereas the non-objective image certainly has continuity and unity but isn't really of anything. My organizing grid image is examples of organizing text or images for a document. My example of proximity is a good example, I think because it would not be nearly the same image if those people weren't near eachother or in that same layout. Repetition with similarity is pretty self explanatory as it is the same designs and shape with a little change of color. The repetition with variety is very repetitious as fars as the circles however what is inside each circle is very different giving it variety.